
Critical Analytic Thinking Skills: Do They Predict Job-Related Task Performance Above and Beyond General Intelligence?


  • We examined critical thinking skill elements LQFOXGHG LQ RFFXSDWLRQVSHFLÀF GRFXPHQWV )LQDOO\ ZH H[amined 12 government critical thinking training course syllabi to investigate which elements were included as major topics. (Full details of these tasks are discussed in “Critical Analytical Thinking Skills Pilot Test Final Report” [MITRE Corporation, 2014b])

  • Hypothesis 3: Critical thinking skills will predict performance beyond a set of individual characteristics, including general intelligence, educational attainment, gender, employment sector, job experience related to the analytic work sample task, completion of training in structured analytic techniques, age, motivation on the Critical Analytic Thinking Skills (CATS) test, and motivation on the work sample task

  • We examined the ability of CATS scores to predict two crite-­

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16. Shipley-2

We conducted a criterion-­related validity (CRV) study of the relationship between CATS test scores and a set of performance-­related criterion measures. We examined this relationship in a sample of US govern-­ ment analysts. Hypothesis 3: Critical thinking skills will predict performance beyond a set of individual characteristics, including general intelligence, educational attainment, gender, employment sector (i.e., whether civilian, military, or contractor), job experience related to the analytic work sample task, completion of training in structured analytic techniques, age, motivation on the CATS test, and motivation on the work sample task

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Assumptions and Judgments
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