
The purpose of this study is to analyze current educational texts of Sunday school worship with a critical analytic perspective by identifying liturgical inculturation theory and its main issues and by finding educational insights for Sunday school worship in the Presbyterian Church of Korea. Historically, Christian liturgy has been formed and transformed through the transculturation process and mutual enrichment between the Gospel and people’s specific culture. In this regard, this study raises the following generative questions: “To what extent do current Sunday school worship help students bring their live experiences to the context of worship actively, reinterpret them in the view of the Gospel, and envision their lives newly?” and “If there are limits, what do educational reconceptualization need to be applied and practiced?” With these questions in mind, this study critically analyzes the current educational texts of Sunday school worship in the Presbyterian Church found in The Minister’s Manual: The Educational Ministry with a critical perspective based on liturgical inculturation theory and educational insights. Through this examination, this study finds that there is not appropriate educational guidance in Sunday school worship from liturgical inculturation theory in terms of students as critically reflective participants, concerns on marginalized students, and minister, teacher, and parents as inculturation co-mediators. I hope that this study may help Korean students participate in Sunday school worship as the context of formative liturgy which reflects their life experiences critically, reinterpret them in the light of the Gospel, and envision their life in the world.

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