
Abstract We present improved physical parameters for four hot Jupiters: KELT-7 b, HAT-P-14 b, WASP-29 b, WASP-95 b, and a hot Neptune: WASP-156 b, by performing critical and rigorous analysis of the time-series observations from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Being a space-based telescope, the transit photometric data obtained by TESS are free from any noise component due to the interference of Earth’s atmosphere. In our analysis of the observed data, we have used critical noise reduction techniques, e.g., the wavelet denoising and Gaussian process regression, in order to effectively reduce the noise components that arise from other sources, such as various instrumental effects and the stellar activity and pulsations. The better quality of photometric data from TESS, combined with our state-of-the-art noise reduction and analysis technique, has resulted in more accurate and precise values of the physical properties for the target exoplanets than that reported in earlier works.

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