
In women, menstruation is a common phenomenon that periodically repeats. During this phase, there is shedding of the endometrial layer which flows out of the body through the vagina along with blood. Due to these physio-logical changes and hormonal fluctuations, normal activities become stressful and demand measures to over-come the stress. Rajaswala Paricharya explained in Ayurveda can be considered as one such measure which is conceptualized to overcome this stress and maintain the health of women. This proposes various indications and contraindications of foods and activities during this phase. Since this Paricharya helps to overcome the most vul-nerable phase of the Menstrual cycle it might conceptually have positive long-term effects on the menstrual and gynecological health. This relation is studied through a cross-sectional survey study with a sample size of 100 women belonging to Shivamogga City, Karnataka. The 24 rules explained under Rajaswala Paricharya across different classics were considered and the survey was conducted to collect the data relating to their following of Rajaswala Paricharya along with data on menstrual and gynecological disorders. We find a marginal difference in the occurrence of gynecological disorders among women who have followed more than 80% of the mentioned rules. 44.44% of these women have any of the gynecological disorders where as 55.56% have no gynecological disorders. But in consideration of symptoms during menstruation, the women following a higher number of rules have a lesser number of menstrual symptoms. Women following more than 65% of the mentioned rules have an average of 2-3 symptoms, whereas women following less than 65% of Rajaswala Paricharya have an average of 4 menstrual symptoms. This represents the significance of following Rajaswala Paricharya.

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