
Remote Sensor Networks have risen as innovation of the current century and has givenan intense blend of dispersed detecting, figuring and correspondence of attacks. With its developing application regions, especially in mission-basic applications, for example, military observing frameworks and war zone observation, security has turned into a critical need keeping in mind the end goal to ensure the touchy information included. The need of viable and effective security systems is necessary and to secure sensor systems has pulled in a lot of scientists' consideration making it hot research zone in the current years. Among the quantity of assaults on the sensor arrange, the Selective Forwarding attack, assumed name as grayhole attack, is a genuine and difficult to-distinguish security assault that can render the system ineffective if the attack was left undetected. In this attack, the principal objective of the attacker is to keep the critical delicate information from achieving the base station. To accomplish this objective, the harmful hub specifically drops certain nodes, in view of some picked criteria, and advances the remaining. The assault turns out to be more viable when the attacker incorporates itself on the way of the information flow. This paper aims to give an outline and investigation of existing ways to deal with counter particular sending assault in remote sensor systems.

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