
A woman's health is a concern of her family, society and culture as any physical or mental disorder can disrupt her normal menstrual cycle. Asrigdara is a common gynecological problem from menarche to menopause that affects her daily activities. It is one of RaktadoshajaVikara that manifests as excessive menstrual bleeding or breakthrough bleeding other than normal menstrual blood and can be compared to menometrorrhagia on the basis of symptomatology. It is a debilitating condition that affects women's physical and mental health and, if not treated properly, eventually leads to a hysterectomy. Nidana is the main causative factor for that disease. In Asrigdara's Samprapti, different etiological factors such as Lavana, Amla and Katu Rasa, Guru, Vidahi and Snigdha Annapana, Dadhi, Sukta, Mastu etc. This article tries to explain Nidan in the pathogenesis of diseases based on the involvement of Dosha and Dhatu. In the classics, the acharyas emphasized nidan of asrigdara, their analysis helps in disease prevention and better management.

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