
A method of criterion programming has been developed for solving optimization problems in electric- power systems. The method is based on the techniques of similarity theory, criterion analysis, and geometrical programming. The main advantages of the criterion-programming method lie in using the criteria of technical and economic similarity and the possibility of solving problems of any degree of difficulty. The objective function and limitations of different types can be presented in any real form without additional transformations. This simplifies the statement of optimization problem and makes it possible to take into account more parameters to be optimized. The method of criterion programming was developed to solve problems of optimal control of electric-power system to improve the reliability and efficiency of its operation. Examples considered in the article show the fundamental interdependence between technical and economic parameters characterizing the state of electric-power systems and make it possible to reveal the main technical and economic regularities of complex electric-power systems. The possibilities of the criterion-programming method that are presented in the article expand the range of problems that can be solved by technical, economic, and mathematical analysis in electric-power engineering and can be used in other fields of science.

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