
EVERY English teacher knows that no English program is ever so strong as it might be or, on the other hand, ever so weak as it might be. All have strengths worthy of commendation; all have weaknesses needful of correction. Likewise, every teacher realizes that the evaluating of an English program, like the planning and revising of one, is an essential never-ending process. It was from this point of view that this checklist was developed and that it should be used. The single purpose of this checklist is to assist English teachers and departments in making an in-depth analysis and evaluation of their current programs. Its purpose is not to establish national standards, not to regiment programs, not to restrict teachers and departments or stifle their individuality and initiative. Decisions as to what should follow evaluation of an English program must of necessity be made by the teachers and administrators actually involved in the program. To be sure, a specialist from outside the English department might be consulted, but in the end the teachers and administrators themselves must make all the decisions pertaining to changes to be made in the program. After all, the English program that lacks the sanction of its staff is going nowhere. Apart from its obvious use by individual English teachers and departments in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their programs, Criteria has a number of other possible uses. While still in draft form, on several occasions it was used to advantage at a university as a basis for discussions in undergraduate English methods classes and in graduate curriculum courses. It might also be used for similar purposes in system-wide inservice sessions of teachers and meetings of department heads. Finally, it should have some value for college and university curriculum committees when considering needed revisions in their teacher-preparation programs in English.

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