
An assessment of the formation of general cultural and professional competencies of students of future teachers of the subject of physical education in the conditions of distance learning was carried out. A study was organized consisting in comparing the assessments of graduate qualification works of bachelors of physical education by sophomore students conducted as part of classes in the subject: "Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities" at the Faculty of Physical Culture of Moscow State Regional University in May-June 2020, with the final assessments of the state certification commission.
 It was established that the shortcomings of distance learning, according to the students surveyed, include: an increase in the volume of homework, technical problems with electronic communication, a lack of live communication with teachers and fellow students and hypodynamy. The advantages of distance learning by students included: saving time and money for moving, conducting classes in a comfortable home environment, flexibility in training planning and the ability to learn new courses.
 A study of the homogeneity of a group of respondents found that according to examination estimates, students were divided into two groups (with high and low grades), and according to the attendance of classes into three groups of students: absentees who go through the lesson and attend constantly. At the same time, approximately 29% of the assessment in the exam is determined by the number of visits to classes. In the remote format, attendance significantly increased by 12% (t-criterion) from the initial to the quarantine period. It is also determined that 13% of the value of the final assessment of graduate qualification works is determined by the personality of the student expert in the sample under study, and not by the content of the applicant's report and presentation.
 As a result of cluster analysis, three clusters of expert students are identified, differing in levels of responsibility, social and cognitive intelligence.
 It was established that criterion-evaluation competencies in terms of assessing knowledge in the subject area of ​ ​ "physical culture" are formed in most students by the end of the second year. More than 80% of sophomore students begin to evaluate graduate work almost the same as members of the state certification commission


  • A study was organized consisting in comparing the assessments of graduate qualification works of bachelors

  • of physical education by sophomore students conducted as part of classes

  • It was established that the shortcomings of distance learning

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В связи с изложенным задача исследования критериально-оценочных компетенций студентов – будущих преподавателей физической культуры представляется актуальной. Для решения этой задачи было организовано исследование, состоящее в сравнении оценок выпускных квалификационных работ (ВКР) бакалавров физической культуры студентами второкурсниками, проводимыми в рамках занятий по предмету: «Основы научнометодической деятельности» на факультете физической культуры Московского государственного областного университета в мае-июне 2020 г., с итоговыми оценками государственной аттестационной комиссии. Предполагалось, что степень соответствия оценок студентов и членов государственной аттестационной комиссии (ГАК) будет характеризовать уровень сформированности их «критериальнооценочной компетенции».

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