
This study analyses the criteria for judgment presented in the Parable of the Talents (Mt 25:14-30) and the Parable of the Last Judgment (Mt 25:31-46) in the Gospel of Matthew. It explores whether these parables refer to the criteria for judgment of Christians and non-Christians, respectively. After providing background on eschatology and judgment in Scripture, the study examines the usage of key Greek words like “ethnos” (nation) and “adelphos” (brother) to support the interpretation that the Last Judgment passage refers to non-Christians. It highlights exegetical difficulties in viewing this as a judgment of “unconscious Christians” and proposes that non-Christians are judged based on acts of mercy towards Christ's disciples. In contrast, the Talents parable is presented as outlining the criteria for judgment of Christians – namely, their use of God-given gifts and abilities to serve others. So, while non-Christians are judged by how they care for Christ's followers, Christians face judgment for how well they use their unique gifts. Together these parables present a complex picture of the diverse criteria, for both Christians and non-Christians, at the final judgment. Keywords: Eschatology, Judgment, Parable of the Talents, Parable of the Last Judgment, Christians, Non-Christians, exegesis, ethnos, criteria

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