
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, which started in late 2019, presented a serious public health threat as well as a crisis of confidence due to the speed at which rumors propagated across several communication platforms. As a consequence of this rumors, individuals are more likely to take steps that accelerate the spread of the virus and have negative effects on their physical and mental health. It has been suggested that these beliefs are to blame for a number of tragedies that have occurred across the globe. This systematic review looks at the manner in which the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic affected public health as a result of rumors spread over the internet and other media. The study incorporates qualitative as well as statistical results into its analysis of the current literature to present a complete data of the topic. The greatest way to tackle this difficulty is to provide primary care providers with the most current results from relevant studies and reliable data. Strategic alliances should be formed between the media, healthcare facilities, community-based organizations along with other key players and shared platforms should be established to disseminate genuine public health messaging. This research highlights the devastating effects of rumor dissemination on population health. The crisis of credibility has to be addressed during public health crises for accurate and evidence-based information to be disseminated.

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