
PART 1: AMERICAN ACADEMY: AN OVERVIEW - Patterns in the Mosaic - Classifying Types of Institutions - Explosive Growth - Demographic Shift - The American Professoriate - Multiple Academic Worlds - Enduring Questions - PART 2: MISSIONS AND GOALS: WHAT ARE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES FOR? - Aims and Purposes - Community Colleges - Four-year Colleges - Origins of the American University - Structural Elements and Goals - Regulative University Ideals - Reconciling Objectives and Functions - PART 3: ENTRANCE STANDARDS: WHO SHALL BE ADMITTED? - Inclusion and Exclusion: The Perennial Tension - Open Admissions: The Egalitarian View - Restrictive Admissions: The Meritocratic View - Selective Admissions Reconsidered - Affirmative Action and its Critics: An Alternative - Future Prospects - PART 4: THE CURRICULUM: WHAT SHALL BE TAUGHT? - Liberal Learning and General Education: Roots of Crisis - Restoring Curricular Integration - Great Books: The Idea of a Curricular Canon - General and Common Learning: The 'Disaster' - Reframing the Core Curriculum - Basic Issues Reconsidered: The Contemporary Context - Proposals for a Reform Agenda - PART 5: ACADEMIC PRIORITIES AND THE PROFESSORIATE: WHO SHALL TEACH? - Reforming Academic Culture - Abolishing Faculty Tenure - An Alternative - Scholarship at Gunpoint - Challenging the Faculty Reward System - Scholarship Reconsidered - Shifting Priorities and New Imperatives - PART 6: ACADEMIC ACCOUNTABILITY: WHAT IS TO BE DONE? - An Erosion of Public Confidence - The Accountability Imperative - Rational Strategic Planning - Faculty Governance and Academic Freedom - Coherence in the Curriculum - Instructional Innovation - External Accreditation - Academic Standards Revisited - Teacher Preparation - Faculty Performance Auditing - Assessment and Social Responsibility - PART 7: A CONCLUDING POSTSCRIPT - Notes - Bibliography - Index

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