
The end of covid-19 pandemic in Central Asia, presumably would enhance the region of its robust economic recovery. But read from 2 policies briefing of the multilateral forums such as World Bank and UN ESCAP, we have known that there is still a long way to go those aims.Witer want to deploy these two multilateral forums in a crisis communication theories during and after the pandemic time.
 Methods: Qualitative method research from second resources data analysis would be conducted, in order to find policies recommendations in the Central Asia as general.
 Results and Discussion: In the discussion, we found out that three policy briefs from ESCAP need to be elaborated in depth line or wise development plans. Neigbors countries which have a same borders, mostly same products, and interdependent to each other, had to reconciled their differences and then manage their own interest, so there would be no conflicting interests arise in their region.
 Since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic spread on 2020, countries such as Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan swiftly responded, and they have to took emergencies measure in order to manage the spreading of the virus. They have to closed their borders, re-newed their health sector, and built a virus emergency centre.
 While the World Bank stressed on three main objectives, for example widespread of vaccination, empowering labour market with increasing employment, and strengthening social programs for the most vulnerable citizens. These three policies have to be planned and implemented by these neighboring countries.
 Conclusion: Both strategies have been conducted, so that it need a review to know if their targeted areas had been achieved so far.
 Author’s tried to seek the difference approaches brought by few international forums regarding pandemic recovery actions in 5 Central Asia countries, which could be useful for its own revival process with crisis communication theory, and find out summary. It might be limited, since author do not live in these 5 countries. Regardless of its limitation, few policies recommendations are good to explore and implemented for other regions.

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