
The period under consideration in this chapter encompasses the Second Intermediate Period through the formation of the New Kingdom during the 18th Dynasty. The chapter examines the overall nature of Egyptian administration during the 18th Dynasty, including how the different sections and their officials interacted with each other. While the discreet areas are a form part of the discussion, the aim is to present the broader socio-historical context in which the government of the 18th Dynasty functioned. The 18th Dynasty administration has four phases: early 18th Dynasty through Thutmose II, mid-18th Dynasty from Hatshepsut through Amenhotep III, Amarna Period, and post-Amarna Period/late 18th Dynasty. Horemheb's viceroy Paser started in the lower ranks of the military, while the high priest of Amun Parennefer/Wennefer's son Ameneminet also rose in prominence in the military, eventually becoming troop commander under Ramesses II. Keywords:18th Dynasty; Egyptian administration; Ramesses; Second Intermediate Period

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