
The article investigates the theoretical issues of classification of types of bullying in educational institutions. Based on the analysis of national legislation and scientific positions, the classification of bullying by such criteria as: type of violence, nature of influence, form of guilt, quantitative and subjective composition, level of violent behavior, purpose and content of school violence, the environment in which it happens. Attention is drawn to the fact that when classifying bullying, it is necessary to pay attention to the subject composition of the offense, the distribution of roles in bullying, as well as victimization, because it significantly affects the criminological mechanism to prevent bullying in educational institutions. In general, the classification of types of bullying according to the above criteria helps to identify the essential properties of the phenomenon under study. Thus, according to the classifications, bullying is intentional systematic physical, psychological, economic, sexual violence, including through electronic means, committed directly or indirectly by one person or group of people, and directed at a minor or the latter against other participants in the educational process. The article covers the main types of bullying, provides their brief criminological characteristics, as well as examples from judicial practices. In addition, the statistical indicators of various manifestations of bullying were briefly analyzed. According to research, in Ukraine most students are exposed to cyberbullying, as well as physical and psychological bullying due to certain features of their appearance. It is concluded that the level of bullying makes it necessary to develop modern means to combat this phenomenon, taking into account the peculiarities of violence among participants in the educational process of our state.

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