
The main goal of the article is to study both advantages and disadvantages of the approaches of the European Union (EU) states to criminal law prevention of land pollution. As a result of this an optimal legislative model should be developed to protect this element of the environment from criminal encroachment, which can be further used by the EU states in improving existing or creating new rules aimed at criminal law protection of land resources from pollution or the creation of new rules aimed at criminal law protection of land resources from pollution. The following research methods have been used to study criminal law provisions of the selected countries, to prove the stated hypotheses and to formulate conclusions: comparative law, system analysis, formal-logical, dialectical and modeling method. As a result of the study of various models of criminal law protection of land resources embodied in the legislation of nineteen European Union states, it has been proved that: 1) such protection should be carried out by a single universal rule on criminal liability for pollution not only of land but also of other components of the environment (water, air, forest); 2) only such land pollution shall be considered criminal, which has led to real (non-potential) damage to the environment, human health or property damage; 3) liability for land pollution should be differentiated depending on: a) weather guilty person’s act was intentional or negligent; b) what the consequences of land pollution have been.


  • Today, the ever-growing scale of environmental pollution is one of the greatest global challenges for the sustainable development of humankind

  • It should be noted that criminal law of most European Union (EU) countries contains a single universal prohibition on criminal law protection against pollution of land resources and of environmental components such as water, air and, less frequently, forest (Czech Republic), animals and plants (Estonia), biota – flora and fauna (Hungary)

  • Schweiger, who point out that the essence of pollution should be reduced to the consequences of a onedimensional nature and the delimitation of norms on environmental objects is impractical, since it does not take into account all possible consequences for a particular object (Bukalerova & Shvejger, 2013)

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The ever-growing scale of environmental pollution is one of the greatest global challenges for the sustainable development of humankind. This fully applies to European countries, given that the member states of the European Union (hereinafter – the EU) have in recent years significantly intensified their activities aimed at combating relevant socially dangerous acts, including those related to land resources. Відповідальність за забруднення земель має бути диференційована залежно від того: а) умисним чи необережним було діяння винної особи; б) які наслідки спричинило забруднення земель. Ключові слова: довкілля, забруднення, земельні ресурси, злочин, кримінальна відповідальність.

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