
This research aims to analyze the criminal law implications in resolving disputes related to quartz sand mining in the West Kalimantan Province. The significant ecological impact of quartz sand mining activities creates conflicts concerning permits, land ownership, environmental damage, and the rights of local communities. Criminal law plays a crucial role in upholding justice and addressing potential violations. This paper discusses the role of criminal law in several essential aspects: First, the Role of Criminal Law in Mining Permits, where criminal law can be employed to enforce mining permits, creating obstacles for those intending to violate established permits. Second, Criminal Law Aspects related to Environmental Damage, where violations of environmental regulations can lead to criminal actions with the aim of preventing environmental harm. Third, Conflicts with Local Communities and Landowners, where criminal law protects the rights of local communities and landowners through sanctions imposed by the Law. Fourth, Illegal Mining, where criminal law is used to address illegal mining practices, uphold the principles of justice, and protect the interests of the state and the community. Additionally, dispute resolution also requires more collaborative alternative approaches, such as mediation or arbitration. The criminal law implications in this approach must be understood to ensure that the dispute resolution process continues to be fair and effective. The role of law enforcement agencies and the judicial system is crucial in ensuring that criminal actions are taken in accordance with the principles of justice.

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