
The following paper deals with the application of the criminal procedural requirements concerning the protection of minors interests (aged 14-18 years) detained , arrested and sentenced to in our country, compared with international nregulations governing the treatment of this level of society when it is in conflict with criminal law. Measures and guarantees the state currently provides and those to be ensured in the future against vilification, harassment, discrimination, which should consider to be offered to all juveniles of deprived freedom, regardless the cause. From the beginning should be emphasized that any standard taking place in this sector should be seen derived from those set forth in international instruments, such as the Nations Convention on Children Rights of 1989 ; Standard Minimum Rules of the United Nations Administration of Juvenile Justice (the Beijing Rules) of 1985; Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles in prison in 1990 and Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (the Riyadh Guidelines), etc.One of the basic principles set forth by the aforementioned instruments, is that minors should be deprived of liberty except as a last resort and for the shortest time possible. How this basic principle has been applied in Albania in these 23 years of democracy? What should be done more, in this respect ? Is it the moment of the adoption of a comprehensive legal framework (code, law) specific for juveniles who are in conflict with criminal law, specifically governing the investigation, the judgment, treatment and rehabilitation of persons under investigation, accused of juvenile offenders?? By addressing and replyin to these issues by means of this article, I hope to give a modest assistance regarding the way such people should be protected and treated . DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4p436


  • Financial markets play a vital role in the economic development of a country

  • The order of preference on investment towards real estate and insurance are same across the age group though it varies with regard to stock market, gold, bank savings and post office

  • The present study has revealed that the order of preferencce towards various investment aveunes are same across the gender except gold and post office

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Financial markets play a vital role in the economic development of a country. They facilitate the allocation of scarce resources by transferring them from savers to borrowers, thereby accelerating investment activities in the country (Deepak Chawla, 2014). Traditional finance theory believes on the principle that investors rational and they process all the available information and take rational decisions. Behavioural finance is a new field emerged in the last 25 years that studies how finance is affected by psychology. It combines behavioural and cognitive psychology theory with conventional economics and finance to provide explanations for people’s behaviour in financial settings and their economic decisions (Nisha Shankar, 2014)

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