
The crime of sexual harassment is divided into 2 (two), namely verbal harassment and non-verbal harassment. One form of verbal sexual harassment is known as Cat Calling, which means harassment in a public space by giving obscene words related to sexuality where many of the victims are women. The increase in online internet-based technology and information has made cat calling sexual harassment common in the form of comments, photos and videos circulating on online social media. Criminal law in Indonesia which contains acts that can be categorized as sexual harassment is generally regulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP) with the addition of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Transactions Electronically (UU ITE) when done online. Most recently, sexual harassment or sexual violence or sexual violence is regulated in Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning Crimes of Sexual Violence. Cat Calling perpetrators can be held criminally responsible in accordance with applicable laws and regulations accompanied by strict sanctions in an effort to prevent and eradicate criminal acts of online Cat Calling sexual harassment and legal protection for victims of Cat Calling online is absolutely necessary to repair the trauma experienced by victims

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