
      The history of the crimes committed by the Armenian formations and their patrons against the Azerbaijani people has more than 200 years. From the 16th century, new centralized states that arose in Europe and in its east began to wage colonial wars for the acquisition of new lands. In the military-occupation and colonial policy of the Russian Empire, formed in the first half of the 18th century, the South Caucasus, in particular Azerbaijan, occupied a special place. The military-political circles of the Russian Empire preferred to use the Armenians as an instrument of death to implement the occupation plan. Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, tsarist Russia resettled more than 1.3 million Armenians from the territory of Iran (during the reign of the Qajar dynasty) and the Ottoman Empire to the South Caucasus. Hostile military-political circles in 1905-1906. royal, in 1918-1920. Soviet Russia, also France, USA and Great Britain; in 1920-1991 THE USSR; and in 1992-2020, along with the Western powers, the Russian Federation continued to use the Armenians as a tool of death to carry out their dirty plans. The Patriotic War, launched by the people of Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020 for the liberation of Karabakh, not only destroyed Armenian fascism, but also frustrated the hostile plans of its patrons. This purposeful policy of the tsarist government continued throughout the 19th century, and as a result, many Armenians resettled in the territory of Northern Azerbaijan. As the tsarist official and publicist N. Shavrov wrote in 1911: “1 million Armenians out of 1 million 300,000 were not local. They were resettled by us." At the beginning of the 20th century, their main patron in the South Caucasus was the Caucasian governor I.I. Vorontsov-Dashkov. In his letter to Nicholas II dated October 12, 1912, he wrote: “By patronizing the Armenians, who always provide us with great services, we have received faithful allies.” The essence of the destructive colonial policy of the Russian Empire in the South Caucasus, accompanied by national conflicts in this region, was perfectly described by Ismail Khan Ziyadkhanov, deputy of the First State Duma from the Elizavetpol province (Ganja - J.B.). During the discussions on the clashes between the Tatars (Azerbaijanis - J.B.) and Armenians in Irevan and on measures to ensure the safety of the population at the 25th meeting of the 1st session of the 1st convocation, held on June 12, 1906, he said: “They told us Muslims: you have been economically enslaved by the Armenians, they are well armed, intending to create their own kingdom, and one day you will see that you are no more. Armenians were told that the idea of pan-Islamism was deeply rooted in all sections of Muslim society and that one day the Muslims would cut you to pieces. The provocation was carried out in this way.  In February 1917, after the collapse of the Russian Empire, the Provisional Government was formed. By the decision of the Provisional Government, adopted on March 3 of the same year, a special committee for the management of the South Caucasus, OZAKOM, was established. On October 26, 1917, after a military coup in Russia, the Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd. The state independence of Poland, Finland and the Baltic countries was recognized in accordance with the documents signed by the chairman of the NCC, V.I. Lenin. However, among the countries of the South Caucasus, the state independence of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was not recognized. The main reason for this was not to lose Baku oil. For this reason, the Bolsheviks, who seized power by force, toughened the character of the tsarist colonial policy towards Northern Azerbaijan. The history of the crimes committed by the Armenian fascism against the Azerbaijani people as a tool in the hands of the imperialist states in the 18th-20th centuries is confirmed on the basis of the facts reflected in archival documents and published scientific works. The cited archival documents and scientific sources unambiguously state that as a result of the use of Armenians by the imperialist powers as a tool for the implementation of their aggressive plans, the territories of the Azerbaijani people were occupied and divided, a policy of ethnic cleansing and deportation was carried out. Acts of genocide were committed. As a result, the people of Azerbaijan suffered heavy human and land losses. The Patriotic War, which began on September 27, 2020 and ended with the victory of the Azerbaijani people on November 8, 2020, within 44 days, along with the destruction of Armenian fascism, laid the foundation for the return of what was lost over all periods of history.

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