
The purpose of the article is to improve the methodology of appointment, organization and conduct of a complex forensic engineering-ecological and miningtechnical expertise of illegal exploitation and extraction of subsoil in order to increase their role and importance in criminal proceedings. To solve the tasksduring the research general scientific and special methods were used in complex, in particular: methods of induction (at the step of collecting, systematizing and processing information for research) and deduction (in the process of theoretical understanding of the problem), system-analytical, comparative analysis, method of analysis of definitions. The main primary actions of the investigator in the investigation of illegal exploitation and extraction of subsoil are considered in the work: seizure and inspectionof documents at the enterprise on their list; investigating the scene; interviews with witnesses of the event; the appointment of a complex forensic engineering-ecological and miningtechnicalexpertise. Formulated: the questions of the investigator during the examination of witnesses, workers, officials of the enterprise, inspectors of controlling bodies, suspected of illegal exploitation and extraction of subsoil. The questions of the investigator for the resolving of complex forensic engineering-ecological and mining-technical expertise are developed. The example of forensic expertise of crimes for the protection and mining is provided. Scientific and practical novelty of the work consists in solving the scientific and appliedproblemof improving the methodology of an appointment, organization and conducting of a complex forensic engineering-ecological and mining-technical expertise of illegal exploitation and extraction of subsoil, the definition of scientific and methodological approaches to improving methods of an appointment, organization and conductingof a complex forensic engineering-ecological and mining-technical expertise, which will improve the quality of expert research, establisha coherent system of expert research, strengthen its role in the detection and investigation of crimes. The challenges facing the investigation / court in the investigation of crimes related to the illegal exploitation and extraction of subsoil make it advisable to address a wide range of topical issues on a scientific basis, taking into account the requirements of exploitation and mining regulations. It is necessary to improve the methodology of appointment, organization and conducting of a complex forensic engineering-ecological and mining-technical expertise of illegal exploitation and extraction of subsoil based on the praxeological approach.

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