
a stagnant society, all efforts are focused on the preservation of the status quo and this fierce protection of the status quo will lead to large-scale crime. Gigantic scams and the growth of gangsterism are direct by products of this stagnant society. Politicians and Governments do not want these uninvestigated, though registered, crimes to stand in the way of their efforts to occupy the seat of K.G. Kannabiran. From the above quotation, it is quite true that to conceive crimeless society is totally impossible. For those who believe in the Holy Bible even in the Heaven, a devil who was an angel acted against GOD and was punished. There is no society without crime/criminals. Professor Hart argued that, human beings are vulnerable; hence need a rule of law to maintain the society. In fact, everyone owes a certain duties to his fellow men and the same to the society. This respect is what regulates the acts of people in the society. But there are some people who deviate from these duties; it is from this concept that states had to regulate the people. Crimes and politics have become friends in this current world. Not only in Tanzania, but we have witness a number of political unrest worldwide. Look at the situation in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, both Congo countries, Boko haram in Nigeria, we also have witness UAMSHO in Zanzibar, and latterly a number of kidnapping, assaults, battery, killings, the most current killing is that of a university student (Akwilina) in Tanzania mainland. All of these kinds of crimes and others which I did not mention them are directly resulted by political point of view. As stated above, efforts are focused on the preservation of the status quo and this fierce protection of the status quo leads to large-scale crime such as murder. Fighting in the way of each party effort to occupy the seat of power. And this is all about the connection between crime and politics. Conflict within any country may happen simply because of different political ideologies. People may commit crimes because of unfair acts of some leaders or politicians, as those acts do not correspond with their political ideology. So for somehow there is a deep relationship between crime and political. This paper tries to show the connection between these two concepts, crime and politics, and how the connection of the concepts affects the society, either being involved on the criminal sub-political activity or being hurt and humiliated by such activity.

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