
The state of the art in violence detection in videos has improved in recent years thanks to deep learning models, but it is still below 90% of average precision in the most complex datasets, which may pose a problem of frequent false alarms in video surveillance environments and may cause security guards to disable the artificial intelligence system.In this study, we propose a new neural network based on Vision Transformer (ViT) and Neural Structured Learning (NSL) with adversarial training. This network, called CrimeNet, outperforms previous works by a large margin and reduces practically to zero the false positives. Our tests on the four most challenging violence-related datasets (binary and multi-class) show the effectiveness of CrimeNet, improving the state of the art from 9.4 to 22.17 percentage points in ROC AUC depending on the dataset. In addition, we present a generalisation study on our model by training and testing it on different datasets. The obtained results show that CrimeNet improves over competing methods with a gain of between 12.39 and 25.22 percentage points, showing remarkable robustness.

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