
Crimean War of 1853 1856 is a factor of important socio-political and socio-medical reforms. Study of these cases is characterized as interdisciplinary. At the edge of Crimean War Great Britain press highlighted aspiration of the empire to capture russian territories of Black sea region, also reforms and work of E.Chadwick, founder of public health system, were criticized, he was wanted to be away from members of parliament and London oligarchs due to his extreme reforms and British corruption. The article represents several effects of Crimean War, its meaning for establishing of public health system in Great Britain, reforms and pioneering work of Edwin Chadwick, Florence Nightingale, also brought up issues of urbanization, pauperism, migration, corruption, health care of cities and army. Developing ideas of utilitarianism and benthamism, E.Chadwick proved advantage of establishing of public health system, centralization of cities administration, anticorruption efforts. His undue dismissal was passing during Crimean War, preparation for abolition of serfdom and keeping of autocracy in Russia. In this period innovation seemed inconsistent to British people considering century principles for local government and nonintervention to domestic affairs of kingdom. Russia and its Black sea regions, which have become war objective for British Empire, were named as corrupted country by English press. But corruption in Great Britain, unique position of members of parliament and London oligarchs have become reasons for dismissal of founder of public health system in Great Britain. After Crimean War in cities there was a problem of social assistance for widows, street children, families with many children, epidemics. Issues of mortality, healthcare of cities and army also became an object of parliamentary debates, requiring constant interference of the government, establishing of social policy. Fresh impetus and acceptance of establishing of public health system, as well as a social policy in Great Britain have become evident in period of Crimean War after successful public activity of sister of Mercy F.Nightingale, who addressing the House with reports on morbidity level in army, highlighting existence of these social problems and peacetime in Great Britain and Black Sea regions.

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