
The clustering algorithm is a method of distributing the population or data points into different groups in a way that data points in a single group are alike to each other in the same group and different from the data points from another groups. Simply, the objective is to isolate groups with similar qualities and allocate them into groups. This research, focus on K-means algorithm. Therefore, type of clustering algorithm used to cluster a group of data without categories. As, the clustering is a subjective phenomenon, that can be employed for accomplishing this objective to find and create group in the data with K as the representation of the number of the groups. Thus, the algorithm procedure uses a dissimilar set of guidelines for describing the relationship between data points and will be clustered together. Indeed, there are over 100 clustering algorithms recognized. However, a crime investigation tracker using clustering algorithm uses K-means algorithm to group the identical crime to be clustered accordingly type of crime recorded in the system. For the system, will be developed using Java programming to build the interface with MySQL as the database to provide a better management to store and retrieve the report. A methodology to develop the system is using Agile Unified Process (AUP) is consists of inception, elaboration, construction, and transition to conducts the current problem of system that various crimes have been increasing, unorganized reports in storage and interface less user friendly of the current system.

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