
Rodents play an important role in all current and extinct ecosystems. In this study we present the fossil record of cricetids, eomyids and murids from Devínská Nová Ves–Bonanza (Vienna Basin, Slovakia). A detailed morphometric analysis revealed the presence of Eumyarion cf. latior, Democricetodon vindobonensis, Karydomys sp., Anomalomys sp., Neocometes brunonis, Keramidomys carpathicus, and Eomyops sp. This species association with other taxa available from the locality indicates an early MN6 age, probably slightly younger than the neighbouring locality Devínská Nová Ves–Štokeravská vápenka = Neudorf an dem March – die Spaltenfüllung or Zapfe’s Fissures. Paleoenvironmental specificities of the locality dated after the peak of the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum are discussed. This faunal assemblage, together with geological setting, suggests a mixed insular or peninsular area with subtropical forests close to freshwater bodies in the vicinity of a saltwater sea.

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