
The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic performance of mpMRI for detecting cribriform pattern prostate cancer. This study retrospectively enrolled 33 patients who were reported cribriform pattern prostate cancer at final pathology. The localization, grade and volumetric properties of the dominant tumors and areas with cribriform pattern at the final pathological specimens were recorded and the diagnostic value of mpMRI was evaluated on the basis of the cribriform morphology detection rate. It was analyzed using Wilcoxon test, the Chi-square test and Fisher's Exact test. The significance level (P-value) was set at .05 in all statistical analyses. A total of 58 prostate cancer foci were (38 cribriform, 20 non-cribriform foci) identified on the final pathology. mpMRI identified 36 of the 38 cribriform morphology harboring tumor foci with a sensitivity of 94.7% (95% confidence interval 82.7-98.5%). In 17 of the 33 patients mpMRI detected single lesion and for these lesions; mpMRI identified cribriform morphology positive areas precisely in 15 patients with significantly low ADCmean and ADCmin values compared to the non-cribriform cancer areas within the primary index lesion (P < .001). For the remaining 16 patients with multiple lesions; all of the tumor foci that harboring cribriform morphology were identified by mpMRI but in none of them any ADCmean and ADCmin value divergence were detected between the cribriform and non-cribriform pattern tumor foci within the primary index lesion. Cribiform pattern should be considered in single lesions with an area of lower ADC value on mpMRI.

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