
This paper presents the Crew Resource Management which has now been in existence for more than two decades as a foundation of maritime transport in order to improve the operational efficiency of shipping. The impact of human errors on collisions and grounding of ocean going vessels have been taking place due to human or team errors, which need to be analyzed by various maritime casualties in depth. The first section of this article is devoted to investigating the role of Human Resource Management, Crew Resource Management and Maritime Crew Resource Management; it is because of minimizing ship accidents at sea. The next part of this paper is designated to evaluate the Bridge Resource Management, Bridge Team Management and Human factors in depth. It should be noted that the necessary techniques in bridge team management should be clarified based on the consideration of the issues relating to why the bridge team management is arranged. The next segment of this paper is dedicated to considering the ways of minimizing ship accidents by offering optimum training methods for the future seafarers. The last part of this paper is designated to assessing the qualification of maritime lecturers based on STCW95 Convention and the MARCON project for teaching the Bridge Resource Management.

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