
The southwestern South Carpathian orogen is composed of various nappe complexes which were assembled during the Cretaceous–Cenozoic orogeny. These are from footwall to hangingwall: (1) the Danubian nappe complex including a Cadomian/Variscan basement; (2) the Arjana and Severin units with Jurassic to Early Cretaceous rift and oceanic sequences; and (3) the Getic nappe complex with Variscan continental basement. Fission track (FT) thermochronology on apatite, zircon and sphene from samples collected from various units of the South Carpathians, in conjunction with field constraints and previous geochronology is used to characterise the Alpine tectonic events and to restore the pattern and amount of exhumation since the Cretaceous. Zircon from the flysch unit and the Danubian Liassic cover sequence yields FT ages around 200 Ma suggesting cooling of the rift flanks prior to the opening of the Severin rift. Zircon and sphene from the Getic and Danubian basement units yield FT ages averaging 110 Ma and indicating cooling under 240°C of the basement contemporaneous with, or postdating thrusting. Apatite FT ages display a decreasing age trend from the hangingwall (65 Ma) to the footwall units (30 Ma). The age data and corresponding horizontal confined track length distributions suggest that exhumation of the nappe pile occurred in two stages: the first is related to the Late Cretaceous nappe stacking and the second one to the final thrusting of the South Carpathians onto the top of the Moesian platform. Apatite FT ages along major brittle wrench faults indicate reheating above ca. 120°C during fluid flow associated with fault (re)activation during Oligocene and Neogene times. Thus, shear zone rocks experienced a higher temperature overprint during Cenozoic time than rocks of the unaffected nappe pile. Temperatures of hydrothermal flow along these zones decreased below 100°C progressively starting with the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene when the area began to override the Moesian platform.

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