
For the first time a detailed stratigraphic section of the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) of Cabo de Ajo peninsula (Cantabria Province) is logged. The Ajo facies represents a subtropical shallow-water carbonate platform environment. When the platform was subjected to relatively high-energy conditions, calcarenite skeletal shoals developed. In periods of higher sealevel, deeper-water marls were deposited in intraplatform basins. The outcrops yield abundant fossils of scleractinian corals. Three selected stratigraphic horizons containing corals were sampled. Fauna 1 and 2 grew on a shallow-water soft bottom substrate (marl) below wave-base level and contain very small plocoid and phaceloid growth forms. Fauna 3 is associated with a calcarenitic matrix and large forms suggesting a more agitated and wave-influenced environment. 16 species of corals belonging to 7 suborders are described taxonomically. These rather diverse coral associations are among the youngest from the Urgonian facies of Europe, and compare well with other Urgonian Tethyan faunas.

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