
Hyrcantha gen. nov. from the Middle Albian is a paniculate inflorescence. The flowers are bisexual with persistent calyx and apocarpous gynoecium. The carpels are ascidial with broad sessile stigma. The genus is related to the Ranunculaceae and Paeoniaceae. The Late Cretaceous Sarysua gen. nov. has cymoid inflorescences of many actinomorphic pentamerous flowers with syncarpous five-lobed ovaries and free styles. A geranialean affinity is suggested. In Taldysaja of the same age much reduced pistillate flowers are born in spikelets or solitary on branches of the fasciculate inflorescence. These findings evidence the important role to be of the ranunculoid—paeonioid complex among ancestral angiosperm and the considerable diversity of the Late Cretaceous flowering structures.

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