
Rich in digestible protein, insects are more and more widely considered to be ‘the food of the future’ and a good substitute for meat. However, the willingness to ingest them depends largely on the consumers’ perception of insects. To understand the specificity of insects among other animals, their characteristics as a potential food source, and to examine what makes some insects more acceptable as food than others, we conducted two complementary studies (qualitative and experimental). The qualitative study (18 individual in-depth interviews) allowed us to identify the dimensions that determine the perception of insects as potentially edible and inedible. In the experimental study (n=437), we examined the potential of three different types of insects (larvae, ants, crickets) as food ingredients. Pictures of four versions of the same product (Bolognese sauce) were presented to the respondents – three containing insects and one without insects (control condition). The results showed that foods containing insects scored lower on each dimension. Furthermore, we observed a different impact of various insects on product evaluation: products containing crickets were evaluated higher than those with larvae. In addition, we noted some individual differences in acceptance of insects as food. Respondents with a higher level of food neophobia and a lower level of varietyseeking tendency assessed products containing insects more negatively than participants with higher levels of the latter trait. Our study suggests that the way insect products are advertised makes a considerable difference to the evaluation of those products. Different insects evoke different associations and emotions, which can be reflected in specific associations with a given product.

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