
To the best knowledge available today, the creep of concrete is understood as slow plastic deformation caused by continuous external factors. Changes occurring in the structure of concrete are however not discussed. Creep as a phenomenon is typically perceived “in purity”, in an invariable and favorable environment. Evolution of creep deformations thus has a fading character and usually goes along with consolidation of concrete. It is only under loads near the threshold of concrete’s long-term strength that micro-destructions tend to grow during the first phase following application of the load. Creep phenomenon is researched «in pure form», i.e. in constant favorable external conditions. Developing of creep deformations has fading character and accompanied by seal of concrete. In real exploitation conditions of constructions appears changes in temperature and humidity, influencing on development of creep deformation. Alternate freezing and thawing of concrete, which most affects durability, causes in unloaded concrete significant extension deformations. Deformation development under the joint action of loads and alternate freezing and thawingalmost was not researched. In the article presented results of concrete deformation research, differing by frost resistance, under loads in the range from 0.2 to 0.7 of prismatic strength. Obtained results allows reasonable take stress value in consideration with expected deformations in the process of operation.

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