
The analysis of structural elements is based on materialindependent and dependent equations. The first group can be divided intogeometrical relations (e.g. strain-displacement equations) and equationsof motion (dynamic case) or equations of equilibrium (static andquasi-static cases). The second group of equations is calledconstitutive equations. They describe the individual response of thematerial, which can be instantaneous (elastic, plastic) ortime-dependent (viscous, viscoelastic, creep). The paper discusses thebehaviour of plates and shells operating at elevated temperatures. Thedescription of their constitutive behaviour will be based on theassumption that the material creeps. Related to this behaviour,constitutive equations can be formulated in different manners (dependingon the effects which are taken into account). Here we suggesttraditional equations for creep (like Norton's law) and damage (inRabotnov and Kachanov's sense), but also more complicated equations fordifferent behaviour in tension and compression. All constitutive modelsare applied to plate and shell problems.

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