
Aims: Drought is described as an insidious disaster that threatens a significant part of the world, including our country, in recent years. This study was carried out in order to examine the drought in depth and to associate it with Antalya agriculture.
 Study Design: Drought is one of the most dangerous natural disasters in terms of both the damage it will cause and the lack of awareness on this issue. Decreased water potential as a result of climate change due to global warming necessitates effective use of water resources. With this study, the drought situation in agricultural lands, which is one of the most important livelihoods of Antalya, was studied.
 Place and Duration of Study: The study area covers the province of Antalya and its districts. The project was completed between 2021 and 2022.
 Methodology: With this study, the drought situation of Antalya province was determined and mapped on the basis of districts with the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI), De Martonne Drought Index, Percent of Normal Index (PNI), Erinç Method, Aydeniz Method and NDVI methods.
 Results: Upon calculating each drought method in the area, some differences were observed. This study aimed to address this issue by conducting separate analyses for each district of Antalya province using internationally recognized meteorological and agricultural drought methods based on meteorological data. The results of each analysis were evaluated separately to provide a comprehensive understanding of the drought situation in the region.
 Conclusion: (Wild irrigation) Drip irrigation methods should be preferred instead of wild irrigation. In regions where the risk of drought is high or likely to occur in the near future, it is important to select drought-resistant plant patterns and gradually replace varieties and species that consume excessive amounts of water with drought-resistant ones.

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