
Creativity is a process by which something new, either an idea or object in the form or arrangement is produced. Creativity is seeing something in a new relationship. It is one's abilities or skills expressed in a new combination. Creativity can be seen in thinking, in expressed activities, in manipulating objects or materials. Creativity is an investigation of new ideas. It is the determination of some unique characteristics. It is an urge in the person to reveal in an object something new. It is also learning to estimate and to deal with the new situations on their unique characteristics.An attempt was made to study the factors affecting the creativity levels between the private and government school children in Srinagar city (7 th -10 th grades).Objectives of the study were: 1.To assess the creativity levels between government and private school children, 2. To study the influence of school environment on the students, and, 3. To determine the relationship of gender on creativity levels. The non-verbal tests of creativity devised by Baquer Mehdi were administered for data collection. Random sampling technique was used. The results revealed that the Private and Government School children differ significantly in their creative abilities. The variation in the school environment was found to be the major factor that affected the creative abilities among Government school students which is due to lack of opportunities, facilities and encouragement in Government schools. Further, gender as a variable could not make any difference among students.

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