
In the conditions of globalization with characteristic for this era sociocultural transformations, the anthropological problematic, which emphasizes the role of interrelation between creativity and personal being, comes to the forefront. The object of this study is creativity in the philosophical-cultural concept of M. Heidegger. The subject is the phenomenon of creation in M. Heidegger's existentialism. Reference to the concept of M. Heidegger is not accidental, since the problem of human and creativity is focal in his philosophical writings. In his work “The Origin of the Work of Art”, Heidegger sets an ontological vector of studying creativity in art, assigning to being as such the core position.  The article explores M. Heidegger's understanding of creation, which he describes using the terms of "being", "time", "space", "unconcealment", "truth", "thingness", "beautiful", and "beauty".The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the cultural and historical method. The appeal to the existential-phenomenological methodology allows identifying the peculiarities of comprehension of creativity in the concept of M. Heidegger. The systemic approach serves as the foundation for examining the phenomenon of creativity as a system. It is determines that Heidegger explains creativity as the artist’s way to personal fulfillment. The conclusion is made that according to the philosopher not every work can be attributed to creation, but only those that reflect the system of views of the artist and specificity of time. For Heidegger, art is the space of existence and creation; the essence of art consists in the truth being created in creation.

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