
Advertising creativity is the product of creative activities in modern advertising operations, and it is an extremely effective and creative way of communicating advertising information. A film and television advertisement without novelty and creativity, no matter how much funds are invested, only consumes financial resources and even causes the audience to be bored. At present, there are some problems in the creativity of film and television advertisements, such as random combination, lack of core ideas and soul, and high cost of good creativity. With the rapid development of communication technology, traditional media interaction methods can no longer meet people’s needs, and digital media interaction technology has emerged. This technology greatly enhances the dissemination and interaction of the media and has been widely used in the creation of film and television advertisements. Therefore, this paper uses digital media interaction technology to improve the creative effect of film and television advertising so as to promote consumers to make decisions, complete the purchase behavior, and shorten the entire link from advertising notification to action conversion. This article aims to find the possibility for the application of digital media interaction technology in the creation of film and television advertisements and to promote the creation of film and television advertisements to develop in a new direction. Experiments show that under the background of digital media interaction technology, users’ favorite degree of film and television advertisements has increased by 9%, reaching 90%. This further shows that after a series of digital media interactions, film and television advertisements can often capture the hearts of the audience more accurately, and then provide users with just-right services.

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