
An article discusses a necessity of combination of historical and contemporary architectural concepts in the process of selection of strategy for sustainable urban development. Working out a dynamic balance between this two concepts provides sustainability of area development, which is required for incorporation of new architectural objects in existing structure of a city. At that, usage of historical architectural concepts will allow to preserve cultural identity of developed city, while usage of modern architects’ concepts would promote quick reaction on continuously changing social, technical and ecological conditions of formation. An expressed hypothesis in the article regarding a necessity of such dynamic balance is illustrated with interaction of historical concept of ensemble development of urban space with modern architects’ concepts based on combination of elements of live and inanimate nature. Interaction of these concepts occurs after assessment of an ensemble potential state or potential of ensemble self-development of a particular urban space. This helps to determine probable directions of urban space development in line with already incorporated genetic program (peculiarities) of formation of an examined territory. Considering determined ensemble potential the following options of usage of modern architectural concepts which are based on combination of live and inanimate nature elements are suggested: for regeneration of at one time destroyed or degrading districts by means of inclusion of new unique buildings and complexes; for increase of importance of reorganized urban spaces at incorporation of architectural and city developments objects as well as engineering infrastructure objects; for enrichment of city environment by employing natural structures and materials, imitations of relief, landscape, natural texture in developed objects and complexes. Foregoing the above, combination of historical and modern concepts discussed in the article would provide maintenance of urban spaces in the state of sustainable development.

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