
The paper analyzes the role of musical art for development of creative competencies’ preschoolers, which is considered the most sensitive period. The contribution of scientists in the research of topical problems of music education and training, development of music art and culture, creation of conditions of music education for preschoolers, influence of music on the development of a child’s personality, formation of his spiritual world through music. The evolution of musical art is marked: the basis of formation from the most ancient times, also in the period of the end of prehistory when music was as an independent kind of art; development in Ancient Greece, in which aesthetics, art, music, the ability to see beauty and create harmony around oneself were extremely important, and children were taught this from an early age.. Signs of creative personality are marked: the presence of a stable interest in a certain type of activity from an early age, high intrinsic motivation, courage, imagination and developed imagination. The content of the most common education preschool program “Ukrayins’ke doshkillya” (“Ukrainian preschool”), which improve at preschools in our region, which includes the educational line “Child in the world of culture”, which is represented by two sections, including the section “World of Art” where there are musical activities. It focuses on creative abilities: sensory perception (emotional perception and recognition), the ability to auditory perception (musical memory), musicalrhythmic sensation (ability to rhythm reproducing), and musical hearing, are perfectly defined and formed through musical activity. The importance of the educational environment, where the child grows and lives both at home and in the preschool for the presentation and development of its creative competencies, is substantiated. The importance and special influence of all types of musical activities (listening to music, singing, musical instruments playing) on the development of a preschool child is demonstrated.


  • У статті проаналізовано значення музичного мистецтва у розвитку творчих здібностей дітей дошкільного віку, який вважається найбільш сенситивним періодом для означуваної мети

  • The paper analyzes the role of musical art for development of creative competencies’ preschoolers, which is considered the most sensitive period

  • The evolution of musical art is marked: the basis of formation from the most ancient times, in the period of the end of prehistory when music was as an independent kind of art; development in Ancient Greece, in which aesthetics, art, music, the ability to see beauty and create harmony around oneself were extremely important, and children were taught this from an early age

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У статті проаналізовано значення музичного мистецтва у розвитку творчих здібностей дітей дошкільного віку, який вважається найбільш сенситивним періодом для означуваної мети. Окреслено вклад науковців в опрацювання актуальних проблем музичного виховання та навчання, розвитку музичного мистецтва та культури, створення можливостей музичної освіти для дітей дошкільного віку, впливу музики на розвиток особистості дитини, формування її духовного світу засобами музики. Проаналізовано зміст найбільш поширеної програми розвитку дітей дошкільного віку «Українське дошкілля», за якою працюють заклади дошкільної освіти в нашому регіоні, а саме розміщену в ній освітню лінію «Дитина у світі культури», яка представлена двома розділами, серед яких є розділ «Світ мистецтва», що включає музичну

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