
The aim of the research is with a help of trackers to ensure round-the-clock observation of the herd and its safety, especially in winter bad weather, to facilitate the work of herd horse breeders. The object of the study was the offspring of local Kazakh horses from Nauan farm of the Aksuat district, the East Kazakhstan region, LLP agricultural firm "Akzhar ondiris" of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The technology of their maintenance is year-round grazing, with minimal contact with a person. When using trackers, the distance covered by horses during grazing (in winter, spring), as well as the daily frequency and duration of rest of herd horses in the time interval from 18:00 to 06:00 was monitored. Number of observations is 4-8. Observations with the help of trackers made it possible to establish that in the Nauan farm in December, horses travel 18,500 m, in January 13,150 m, in February 11,310 m, in March 10,950 m, and in April 8,860 m. For 12 h of grazing, a herd of horses passes 6200-7000 m in December, 8000-10000 m in January, 10000-15000 m in February, 6000-8000 m in March. However, due to the fac that a sharply continental climate prevails in our republic and weather conditions changes, the dynamics of grazing can change dramatically in one direction or another, especially during critical periods of the year. The highest average daily gains in colts were observed in 6-month-old young animals (780-860 g) in comparison with 18 (704.3-789 g) and 30 (667.1-690 g) monthly colts.

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