
Creation of entanglement is considered theoretically and numerically in an ensemble of spin chains with dipole-dipole interaction between the spins. The unwanted effect of the long-range dipole interaction is compensated by the optimal choice of the parameters of radio-frequency pulses implementing the protocol. The errors caused by (i) the influence of the environment, (ii) nonselective excitations, (iii) influence of different spin chains on each other, (iv) displacements of qubits from their perfect locations, and (v) fluctuations of the external magnetic field are estimated analytically and calculated numerically. For the perfectly entangled state the $z$ component $M$ of the magnetization of the whole system is equal to zero. The errors lead to a finite value of $M$. If the number of qubits in the system is large, $M$ can be detected experimentally. Using the fact that $M$ depends differently on the parameters of the system for each kind of error, varying these parameters would allow one to experimentally determine the most significant source of errors and to optimize correspondingly the quantum computer design in order to decrease the errors and $\ensuremath{\mid}M\ensuremath{\mid}$. Using our approach one can benchmark the quantum computer, decrease the errors, and prepare the quantum computer for implementation of more complex quantum algorithms.

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