
Currently, large-scale projects are being implemented in the Russian Federation to preserve the rich historical and cultural heritage. Digitization (scanning, preparation for machine processing, open access placement) of newspaper and documentary materials fully corresponds to this trend of state policy, fully contributes to the implementation of one of its directions – the preservation of the industrial heritage of the Soviet era. The digitized materials of the newspaper "Vagonostroitel" make up most of the issues of this small-circulation publication that have been preserved in the region. When combining the resulting array of digitized newspaper files with incomplete sets stored in the regional scientific library and the regional state archive, a full-fledged database of materials on the production activities of one of the largest enterprises in the region and the lives of its workers is created. Digitized materials with an effective search system are posted on the Internet (on the server of the I. Kant BFU). The implemented project makes the newspaper "Vagonostroitel" accessible to all those interested in the fate of the plant, helps the descendants of factory workers to learn about the lives of parents, grandparents, which contributes to the education of patriotic feelings and family values. The discovered and digitized office documentation transferred to the archive significantly complements the existing archival fund of the plant, expands the possibilities for a comprehensive and objective study of its history. During the implementation of the project, foreign and domestic, including leading Russian libraries and regional scientific libraries, experience in scanning and posting periodicals and scanning archival materials on the Internet was taken into account. Bitrix, Phyton, html, Python-tesseract, and Yandex Disk 360 programs were used to create the website of the Vagonzavod newspaper and the search engine for the digitized Vagonostroitel newspaper.

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