
A method for creation of a long magnetized column of dense hydrogen plasma in a metal chamber by means of a high-current linear discharge is considered. It is the main method for the formation of preliminary plasma in the GOL-3 multimirror trap, in which a plasma column with a length of up to 12 m and diameter of 8 cm, suitable for conducting experiments on the injection of a relativistic electron beam, was obtained. Conditions for stable discharge operation in the density range of 3 × 1019–1022 m−3 are determined, including a discharge with a uniform longitudinal plasma density profile and incomplete initial ionization of hydrogen. It is demonstrated that the system is capable of operating in a magnetic field with a variable configuration and strength of up to 6 T in the solenoidal section and up to 12 T in the end mirrors. It is shown that an important role in the development of a discharge is played by fast electrons with energies corresponding to the initial applied voltage (about 25 kV), which provide primary gas ionization. The properties of low-temperature plasma in such a discharge are discussed.

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