
A District Diabetes Register has been created using the Family Health Services Computer Unit system, DIALOG, linked to the Family Health Services Authority (FHSA) population register. Initial informal discussions between the Diabetes Centre, Public Health, and the FHSA led to a formal proposal being accepted by the Local Diabetes Services Advisory Group to pilot the DIALOG software. Following installation of DIALOG on a separate computer, electronically linked to the main FHSA system, the register was compiled. This was approached in three ways. The existing Diabetes Centre Register was downloaded into DIALOG and patients matched with the FHSA register. A 'diabetes roadshow' was mounted, with Postgraduate Education Allowance approval, to individually visit every general practice in the district to explain the aims and objectives of creating a diabetes register and to enlist the support of these practices. Where practices already held their own diabetes register this was similarly transferred, if not, assistance was provided to identify their patients with diabetes. All patients were notified in writing that their names were being placed upon a diabetes register and that clinical data would be held against their entry. This notification included an opportunity to opt out. Additionally, a self registrations scheme was introduced whereby all retail pharmacists dispensing any diabetes related product and all optometrists seeing a person with diabetes, gave the patient a leaflet, describing the register and its purposes and inviting them to register themselves. A 'Data Ownership Committee' was established to control the use and interpretation of all clinical data held upon the register. The process of diabetes annual review is now being prompted across both primary and secondary care and clinical data is being returned to the register.

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