
A device for the volume compression chamber of the samples is described and some possibilities for testing the samples are presented: compressive strength, angle of internal friction, and adhesion values of coal and host rocks. In addition, descriptions of patents for devices allowing to test rocks for breaking during volume compression are given.


  • In addition to indicators of the strength of rocks for uniaxial compressiontension, there is a need to expand the indicators of physical and mechanical properties of rocks [1]

  • With the help of the BV-21 chamber, which is no less common in the mining industry, it is possible to obtain data allowing, for example, to predict the stability of shaft shafts in terms of ultimate strength, and in terms of long-term strength - pressure on lining of capital workings, according to pre-limiting and transcendental characteristics of rocks - the tendency of rocks to rock blows

  • It should be borne in mind that the need to test samples of coal and rocks is due to the fact that currently, usually when calculating displacements of the mine workings, bearing abilities of pillars, supports, etc., the strength characteristics of a coal-bearing mass are borrowed, as a rule, from exploration data batches issued at the stage of exploration, for cores drilled from an array in a natural state, not affected by mining

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In addition to indicators of the strength of rocks for uniaxial compressiontension, there is a need to expand the indicators of physical and mechanical properties of rocks [1]. For these purposes, in the conditions of mining enterprises (and for training purposes - in the Prokopyevsky branch of KuzGTU), the Azimuth 85D01B volumetric compression chamber is actively used as one of the most common modifications. Reduced the strength characteristics of rocks near zones of geological disturbances and in zones of influence from treatment

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