
Nyquist is a strong and basic software for making music with algorithms. With the western instruments available as functions inside the software, this research aims to create sampler of traditional Chinese instruments that can read Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) files based on the present functions. This research mainly focuses on two instruments: Guzheng, a traditional plucked instrument in China and Zhudi, the oldest Chinese musical instrument found so far and the most representative woodwind in the Chinese musical instrument family. The methods used in this research is built on original functions, envelopes, filters in the software. After creating the samplers, the MIDI file users uploaded will be converted into scores inside Nyquist for the samplers to read. The separation of the MIDI file is done by if and else clauses, splitting the samplers to each focus on a certain part of the song. Based on the methods above, this research yields a sample song that has a MIDI file originally in the timbre of piano applied to both samplers at the same time. The outcome yielded applies two samplers separated at a certain pitch, forming a contrast between the main melody and the chords. This research successfully achieves its intended purpose, creating a bridge that connects western music culture with traditional eastern music culture.

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