
The study is devoted to the analysis of Europeanization policy in the area of teacher education in the 21st century and the characterization of mechanisms and instruments for the formation of the European Teacher Education Area. The authosr emphasize the effective roles and influences on the integration processes of European professional organizations: European Association for Teacher Education, European Association of Educational Researchers. The contribution of thematic networks to the Europeanization of teacher education, in particular, the European Policy on Teacher Education, the Thematic Network for Teacher Education in Europe, and others, is highlighted. Attention is drawn to the potential of European research projects under the auspices of the European Commission, and the experience of developing and implementing the European Doctorate in Teaching is analyzed. The political dimension of the processes of Europeanisation of teacher education is analysed through the analysis of the EC’s landmark documents on rethinking education; European principles on teacher competencies and qualifications; improving the quality of teacher education with a forecast of the development of the European teaching profession as 1) highly qualified; 2) requiring lifelong learning; 3) mobile); 4) based on partnership. A number of documents developed by the thematic working group, which directly deals with the development of national policies on education and training of teachers/lecturers throughout their professional careers and the analysis of strategies to support teacher development at the European and national levels, have been introduced into the national scientific circulation. At the level of theoretical positions, it is proved that the focus of modern European research in the field of teacher education is on the narratives of professional identity, professional learning and professional development of teachers in the context of new professionalism with a European perspective.

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