
This supplement of Family Practice presents the papers from the Fifth Heelsum International Workshop on Nutritional Attitudes and Practices in General Practice, named after the place in the Netherlands that hosts this tri-annual meeting since 1995. [Throughout we use the terms General Practice/General Practitioner (GP), in accordance with the European terminology. This is approximately equivalent to the terms ‘Family Practice/Family Physician’ and ‘Primary Care’.] The papers are directed to the objectives of the 2007 workshop that have been presented above [van Weel C, Hiddink GJ, van Binsbergen JJ, Brotons C, Drenthen T, Green LW, Halsted CH, Koelen M, Kok FJ, Mathus-Vliegen EMH, Ockhuizen T, Truswell AS. The Fifth International Heelsum Workshop ‘more synergy between primary care and public health’: Mission Statement].

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