
Wireless body area network can manage patient through doctors through app on smart phones and security to data can be given by one-time password (OTP generation) like banking system. 6G protocols can make one time password more effective as all financial technology are dependent on one time password. Because transfer is mutual and one time password is best secure handshake between servers and containers are best security tempo for client server programmers. It depends on size of transfer means in the form of money in the transaction that size of container security code used for three way handshakes like third party or on the emergency for group client server model. Control logic is conditional enforcement of profitable rules to follow that is word access in computer science and that in the form of Intel processors till now but these Intel processors are in production in as general for as possible means one kind of Intel processor for whole world as processor generation paradigm. Can finance technological companies is eligible for creating more secure hardware for their trillions of transactions, I think word trillion is taken from word truth. Smartphone can handle data from sensor on body sensor through wireless with in distance limit and as data get uploaded it can reach to doctor by protecting it through OTP. In this as banking system can depend on OTP in the same way wireless health system may depend on this system.

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